From: Julian Skeens []
Sent: 07 January 2014 20:22
To: David Tolley
Cc: Gareth Hughes; Simmi Yesmin
Subject: Extraordinary Meeting 8/1/14

Importance: High

Dear Mr Tolley


Thank you for indicating that this missive would be circulated to members of the committee prior to the hearing. I confirm that I shall be representing the Nag’s Head 17-19 Whitechapel Road London E1 1DU that has provided nude entertainment at this site since 1982


I have had the benefit of reading my colleague Gareth Hughes’ letter of the 6th January and adopt his representations and would make the following additional comments.


The Agenda papers record that the Council delegated power to the Licensing Committee to decide whether or not to adopt the legislative scheme to licence sexual entertainment in the Borough. The committee decided that, following due process, it should not be adopted.


In an apparent ruse to revisit that decision (see para 5.13 page 15), the committee is being asked to consider the appropriate level of fees for the licences that it has decided cannot granted. If the Council wishes the decision to be revisited, due process requires that it should start the process afresh


The agenda papers record that the existing public consultation “must be taken into account” (para 5.8, page 14) but it was flawed and the papers go on to speculate what the result would have been without that flaw. The only way that issue can be resolved is, due process which requires it to consult afresh without that flaw


The agenda papers recite at 1.5 page 5 that “there is currently no control on the number of venues in the Borough” which is not true. The present licensing regime is controlled by the Licensing Act 2003. Any new application can be refused, any change in style of operation can be the subject of Review and revocation, see also paragraph 3.3 page 6 which correctly states that any application for a sexual entertainment licence must be decided “on its merits”. The new regime does not allow councils to refuse licenses on moral grounds


The Nag’s Head has provided sexual entertainment (as defined) under a licence since 1982 and the concerns expressed in relation to the White Swan apply equally here and raise the fundamental issue of the protection of human rights (as defined). The holders of licences are entitled to expect organs of government to protect their property, in this case a license (see Tre Traktorer Aktiebolag v Sweden 1989). Adoption of the new legislation puts that in jeopardy (see White Swan arguments).


Should the committee decide to recommend adoption of the legislation (and it is difficult to understand how it could recommend that given that the Council has delegated the decision to the committee) the Nag’s Head should not have any additional conditions as is proposed by the standard conditions


Should the committee adopt the standard conditions may I suggest that the word “drunk” is substituted for “intoxicated” in condition 31. Most customers where alcohol is sold are intoxicated to some degree, it is only when they become drunk that intervention is required


The course of conduct or process recommended by the Agenda papers is fundamentally flawed. The strength of argument and the strength of feeling expressed elsewhere, would suggest that, if the legislation is adopted, it will be the subject of costly challenge. The appropriate way for the Council to reconsider its previous decision is not to fudge it as suggested, but to apply due process, give local democracy a fair hearing by re-consultation and armed with that voice of democracy, reconsider the matter afresh with open minds


Thank you once again for agreeing to circulate this missive


Julian Skeens


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